The Metropolitan Opera Calendar Design

The Problem

The Metropolitan Opera sought to develop a printed calendar to highlight its diverse range of shows. Their team aimed to create an innovative and captivating design that would capture the attention of their audience.

The Process

Research & Inspiration

To gain inspiration, doing thorough research is a key first step in the design process. I decided to find other calendars to draw some ideas from.

Decisions & Design

In line with the Metropolitan Opera's brand identity, I deemed it suitable to incorporate a theater background behind the text as opposed to a solid color, which contributed to the visual appeal of the design. Additionally, I introduced a pop of red to the design to complement the Met Opera's established brand identity.

To enhance the user experience, an important feature that was added to the redesigned calendar was the display of ticket prices directly on it. This improvement addresses the previous inconvenience of having to search for this information elsewhere online and provides users with a more streamlined approach to finding the most cost-effective opera showings.

I created several compositions to see which theatre image, typeface, and layout worked the best.

During the design process, I discovered that using only one typeface for the entire calendar resulted in poor readability. To address this, I decided to use a serif typeface for the title and date, and a different sans-serif typeface for the body copy. This change not only improved readability but also added a more modern and intriguing feel to the design.

After careful consideration, I made the decision to revamp my previous designs entirely, retaining solely the background image. By introducing new colors, including pink, purple, and blue, I sought to create an effect like that of theater lights on a stage. My intention was to shift the focus of the audience's attention away from the more conventional colors of black, white, and red.

The Solution


Through my experience, I have gained a deep understanding of how typography and information layout can have a significant impact on the success of a design. Additionally, the strategic use of color can capture the audience's attention and improve the overall aesthetic appeal of the design.

Final Design


e.l.f. Mascara & Packaging Redesign


6th Grade ELA Syllabus Redesign