e.l.f. Mascara & Packaging Redesign

The Problem

e.l.f. is a large beauty company that has been recognized for their wide variety of products. E.l.f.’s mascara line needed to reinvent their look to appeal to choosy beauty buyers.

The Process

Research & Inspiration

When tasked with redesigning e.l.f. mascara, I wanted to see what others have done for package redesign. I decided to utilize the Pinterest platform to seek out inspiration for my design.

The importance of mascara features to users piqued my curiosity. Upon inquiring from several individuals in my vicinity, it became apparent that a significant number of people preferred cosmetic products that were not tested on animals. The presence of a specific symbol on the packaging denoting cruelty-free was a critical consideration. Although E.l.f. does have the cruelty-free icon on its packaging, it appears to be insufficiently highlighted.


The e.l.f. mascara line features black packaging, including a mascara bottle and wand, with top lid colors indicating the product's action, such as plumping or waterproofing. I proposed adding more color to make the packaging more striking on the shelf.

Additionally, I sought to increase the company’s brand identity to convey that e.l.f. represents "eyes, lips, face" and isn’t just a name. To achieve this, I considered incorporating graphics or the three words on the side of the packaging. I surveyed friends and family to gauge their awareness of e.l.f.'s acronym status and discovered that many were unaware of the "eyes, lips, face" meaning until informed or researched it on the internet.


To start visualizing the redesigned packaging, I created three separate designs using various colors.

In each, I made the “no animal testing” icon much more apparent so that users could easily identify it as a cruelty-free product. By changing the typeface and utilizing a consistent color palette, the information became more readable.

Based on feedback, the strongest design was selected for its potential to incorporate better distinguishable elements, allowing instant user recognition of the product’s function.

To optimize the design, it was decided to replace the side graphics with the words "eyes, lips, face" as the graphics were too bold and clashed with the minimalist design scheme. A more sophisticated mascara swatch was also created. To enhance the identification features of the waterproof mascara, raindrop graphics were added to the wand, enabling the user to quickly recognize the product.

Based on feedback, the strongest design was selected for its potential to incorporate better distinguishable elements, allowing instant user recognition of the product’s function.

The Solution


Through this project, I learned the importance of aligning design with brand identity to maintain e.l.f.'s minimalist look. This experience emphasized the need to balance aesthetics with functionality, simplify design for clarity, and prioritize the user’s experience for easy product identification


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