Talkspace Mobile Application Redesign

The Problem

The design team behind the Talkspace mobile app is committed to enhancing the user experience and optimizing its interface. Their goal is to identify and address any deficient UX/UI elements, to promote the overall well-being of their users.

The Process

Research & Inspiration

To assess Talkspace's efforts, extensive research was conducted on its brand and competitors. Competitor analysis is crucial in the ideation process, as it reveals the strengths and weaknesses of both their brand and competitors, highlighting areas that need improvement.

App reviews provided valuable insights into the audience's perspective and feedback, allowing us to address their requests and concerns.


User needs were a top priority, and app reviews were just the beginning. Talkspace requires users to complete a pre-sign up survey that includes a question about the reason for seeking help. The question presents a list of responses, but users can only select one. Given that many people experience comorbid mental health conditions, I made the decision to modify this question by allowing users to select multiple responses for greater inclusivity.

Users expressed difficulty in switching therapists on the app due to the mandatory review requirement. This is because many users never could get in touch with their therapists in the first place, making this feature unnecessarily difficult. A solution for this was to make the review optional and allow users to provide a written explanation, increasing their autonomy, and promoting greater comfort during the process.

The app's chat feature served as the original homepage. I redesigned it to serve as a notification center, enabling users to access their chat messages and view upcoming appointments with ease.

Information Architecture

Redesigning app features is a complex and time-consuming process. Creating information architecture (IA) diagrams is important to help visualize the organization and structure of the app's information.

Revamping the app's IA can significantly enhance the clarity and effectiveness of information communication to the users.

User Flows

User flows are crucial in organizing app content and features to create a seamless user experience by providing goals for users to achieve when performing a task.

User Flows


Wireframes are essential in creating a cohesive app design by combining navigation, information, and interaction. They enable designers to envision and refine the design before implementation.

User Testing

User testing is a constructive step in evaluating the effectiveness of your design for users. It allowed me to identify areas that required improvement to achieve the ideal user experience.

UI & Prototyping

The Talkspace layout required minimal changes. However, I opted to adjust the color palette to create a more calming and relaxing environment. Although Talkspace's green and blue colors represent new beginnings and energy, respectively, the bright green and dark blue hues were not optimal for this app's purpose.

To achieve a more soothing effect, I chose a lighter sage green that symbolizes new beginnings while promoting relaxation. Although I considered using a lighter blue, it can evoke sadness, which is not ideal for a mental health app. Instead, I opted to maintain a single color with varying tints and shades to offer a cleaner and simpler appearance.

The utilization of gray text was implemented to achieve a modern design aesthetic and deviate from the conventional use of black text.

Prototyping is a valuable tool for designers as it enables them to visualize user interaction with their product, helping them refine and optimize their design for the market.

The Solution


I have learned that color theory plays an imperative role in the perception of my product. The appropriate color selection, including the right tint and shade, can significantly impact the user's overall impression. Simplifying design elements is also a critical aspect I have gained insight into. I now have a greater appreciation for the importance of UX design and its impact on the success of an app.

Final Design


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