Movie Facts Digital Dashboard

The Problem

A website developer aspired to develop a platform catering to movie enthusiasts. The platform would enable users to input data on their movie-watching behavior and generate a visually appealing dashboard displaying their information.

The Process

Research & Inspiration

To generate an engaging dashboard containing informative insights on movie trends, data collection was necessary. Accordingly, a questionnaire encompassing diverse aspects such as preferred actors/actresses, movies, streaming services, and genres was developed. Subsequently, the questionnaire was disseminated among acquaintances, yielding invaluable feedback.


To avoid presenting redundant information, a daily message area was included in the dashboard. This section displayed exclusive facts regarding users' favorite actors and actresses, generated based on their input data.

Interactive elements were added to each data visualization to expand information and improve audience engagement within limited screen space. Upon interaction, different types of information surfaced, including compare-and-contrast options or entirely new information, depending on the visualization.

Maintaining consistency in user interactions is crucial for minimizing confusion and prompting the user to take action to reveal additional information. In accordance with this principle, a simple navigational key was positioned consistently across all data visualizations to ensure optimal display of data.

Along with the website, I also created a mobile version. It is critical to have a responsive site that can be displayed in various forms. Today, users have multiple devices of varying sizes, thus making the need for a responsive design imperative.


To ensure a prominent display of significant information within each visualization, a darker background color was employed in conjunction with a brighter color for the content itself.

First Attempt

Initial challenges encountered included readability issues stemming from excessively small font size, as well as confusion arising from the use of too many colors in the U.S. map visualization. Navigational key colors for the map visualization were consequently adjusted to align with the overall color scheme.

After obtaining useful feedback, a final design was developed.

The Solution


To ensure a cohesive design, I utilized different shades of the two selected colors in my palette. This enabled me to modify the distracting colors present in the map visualization, resulting in a more harmonious color scheme. By changing the color of the map, it was seamlessly integrated into the visualization without causing confusion for the user. Additionally, I adjusted the color of the text in the actors/actresses visualization, as it was challenging to read against the pink background.


Kindred Bravely Email Design


e.l.f. Mascara & Packaging Redesign